So I've decided to add something to the year of el santo. I wanted to put together a form of record keeping, both for myself and for you readers. Below is all 52 of Santo's films listed in chronological order. The ones I've viewed and reviewed already will have a hot link next to the title "SEEN!" that will take readers directly back to those reviews. The rest will have "ERD:", meaning Expected Review Date next to the title, with the date I expect the review to be up for your reading pleasure. I try to have these things posted every friday, and will hopefully stick to the dates I have listed here. The plan is to update this list quarterly, or about every 90 days. Its a way for readers new and old to catch up and keep up with all things El Santo, and maybe get a chuckle out of some of the funky titles in store for us down the road...
Santo filmography (in order)
- Santo contra el cerebro del mal (Santo Vs. The Evil Brain, 1958) SEEN!
- Santo contra hombres infernales (Santo vs. The Infernal Men, 1958) SEEN!
- Santo contra los zombies (Santo vs. The Zombies, 1961) SEEN!
- Santo contra el rey del crimen (Santo vs. The King of Crime, 1961) SEEN!
- Santo en el hotel de la muerte (Santo In The Hotel of Death, 1961) SEEN!
- Santo contra el cerebro diabolico (Santo vs. the Diabolical Brain, 1962) SEEN!
- Santo contra las mujeres vampiro (Santo vs. The Vampire Women, 1962) SEEN!
- Santo en el museo de cera (Santo In The Wax Museum, 1963) SEEN!
- Santo contra el estrangulador (Santo vs. The Strangler, 1963) SEEN!
- El espectro del estrangulador (Santo vs. The Ghost of the Strangler, 1963) SEEN!
- Blue Demon contra el poder satánico (Blue Demon vs. Satanic Power, 1964) SEEN!
- Santo en Atacan las brujas (Santo in The Witches Attack, 1964) SEEN!
- El hacha diabólica (Santo in The Diabolical Axe, 1964) ERD: 6/24/11
- Santo en los profanadores de tumbas (Santo in The Grave Robbers, 1965) ERD: 7/1/11
- Santo en el Barón Brakola (Santo in Baron Brakola, 1965) ERD: 7/8/11
- Santo contra la invasión de los marcianos (Santo vs. The Martian Invasion, 1966) ERD: 7/15/11
- Santo contra los villanos del ring (Santo vs. The Villains of the Ring, 1966) ERD: 7/22/11
- Santo en Operación 67 (Santo in Operation 67, 1966) ERD: 7/29/11
- Santo en el tesoro de Moctezuma (Santo in The Treasure of Moctezuma, 1967) ERD: 8/5/11
- Santo en el tesoro de Drácula (Santo in Dracula's Treasure, 1968) ERD: 8/12/11
- Santo contra Capulina (Santo vs. Capulina, 1968) ERD: 8/19/11
- Santo contra Blue Demon en la Atlántida (Santo vs. Blue Demon in Atlantis, 1969) ERD: 8/26/11
- Santo y Blue Demon contra los monstruos (Santo and Blue Demon vs. the Monsters, 1969) ERD: 9/2/11
- Santo y Blue Demon en el mundo de los muertos (Santo and Blue Demon in the World of the Dead, 1969) ERD: 9/9/11
- Santo contra los cazadores de cabezas (Santo vs. The Headhunters, 1969) ERD: 9/16/11
- Santo frente a la muerte (Santo Faces Death, 1969) ERD: 9/23/11
- Santo contra los jinetes del terror (Santo Vs The Terror Riders, 1970) ERD: 9/30/11
- Santo en la venganza de las mujeres vampiro (Santo in the Revenge of the Vampire Women, 1970) ERD: 10/7/11
- Santo contra la mafia del vicio (Santo vs. The Mafia of Vice, 1970) ERD: 10/14/11
- Santo en la venganza de la momia (Santo in the Mummy's Revenge, 1970) ERD: 10/21/11
- Santo en Las momias de Guanajuato (Santo in The Mummies of Guanajuato, 1970) ERD: 10/28/11
- Santo en el misterio de la perla negra (Santo in the Mystery of the Black Pearl, 1971) ERD: 11/4/11
- Santo contra la hija de Frankenstein (Santo vs. Frankenstein's Daughter, 1971) ERD: 11/11/11
- Santo en Misión suicida (Santo in Suicide Mission, 1971) ERD: 11/18/11
- Santo contra los asesinos de otros mundos (Santo vs. the Killers from Other Worlds, 1971) ERD: 11/25/11
- Santo y el tigresa en el aguila real (Santo and the Tigress in the Royal Eagle, 1971) ERD: 12/2/11
- Santo y Blue Demon contra Drácula y el Hombre Lobo (Santo and Blue Demon Vs. Dracula and the Wolf Man, 1972) ERD: 12/9/11
- Santo contra los secuestradores (Santo Vs. The Kidnappers, 1972) ERD: 12/16/11
- Santo contra la magia negra (Santo vs. Black Magic, 1972) ERD: 12/23/11
- Santo y Blue Demon en las bestias del terror (Santo and Blue Demon in the Beasts of Terror, 1972) ERD: 12/30/11
- Santo contra las lobas (Santo vs. The She-Wolves, 1972) ERD: 1/6/12
- Santo en Anónimo mortal (Santo in Anonymous Death Threat, 1972) 1/13/12
- Santo y Blue Demon contra el doctor Frankenstein (Santo and Blue Demon Vs Dr. Frankenstein, 1973) ERD: 1/20/12
- Santo contra el doctor Muerte (Santo Vs Dr. Death, 1973) ERD: 1/27/12
- Santo en la venganza de la llorona (Santo in the Revenge of the Crying Woman, 1974) ERD: 2/3/12
- Santo en Oro negro (Santo in Black Gold, 1975) ERD: 2/10/12
- Santo en el Misterio en las Bermudas (Santo in The Bermuda Mystery, 1977) ERD: 2/17/12
- Santo en la frontera del terror (Santo at the Border of Terror, 1979) ERD: 2/24/12
- Santo contra el asesino de televisión (Santo vs the TV Killer, 1981) ERD: 3/2/12
- Chanoc y el hijo del Santo contra los vampiros asesinos (Chanoc and Son of Santo vs. The Killer Vampires, 1981) ERD: 3/9/12
- Santo en el puño de la muerte (Santo in Fist of Death, 1982) ERD: 3/16/12
- Santo en la furia de los karatekas (Santo in Fury of the Karate Experts, 1982) ERD: 3/23/12
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